city | Red Lake |
address | 115 Howey Street, Box 1070 |
postal code | P0V 2M0 |
country | Canada |
province | Ontario |
county | Kenora |
postal code | P0V 2M0 |
latitude | 51.019115447998 |
longitude | -93.8258895874023 |
street | Howey St |
census city | Red Lake |
statcan census division name | Kenora |
statcan census division type | DIS |
statcan census subdivision type | MU |
statcan census subdivision type description | Municipality |
statcan census economic region | Northwest / Nord-ouest |
statcan census statistical area code | 998 |
federal riding name | Kenora |
provincial territorial riding name | Kiiwetinoong |
criminal ontario court of justice | 807-727-2376 |
criminal youth ontario court of justice | 807-727-2376 |
family ontario court of justice | 807-727-2376 |
small claims superior court of justice | 807-727-2376 |
accessibility coordinator | 807-223-2354 |
services | French language services are provided over the phone and at the counter at or for this location. |