Caramanna Friedberg LLP accepts criminal clients from the Mount Pleasant East neighbourhood.
The neighbourhood, Mount Pleasant East is located in the central part of Toronto. The neighbourhood boundary for Mount Pleasant East starts at the intersection of Yonge Street and Blythwood Road. The boundary continues East on Blythwood Road to a property line that cuts through Sherwood Park. The boundary the follows the property line in Sherwood Park, South until it meets Fairfield Road. The boundary then continues East on Fairfield Road to a property line that connects Fairfield Road to Glazebrook Avenue. The boundary follows the property line to Glazebrook Avenue and then continues East to Bayview Avenue. At the intersection of Bayview Avenue and Glazebrook Avenue, the boundary continues South on Bayview Avenue to Moore Avenue. Once at Moore Avenue, the boundary continues West to a property line that cuts through Mount Pleasant Cemetery. The boundary continues West along the property line in Mount Pleasant Cemetery to Yonge Street. At Yonge Street, the boundary continues North to a property line that is located South of Merton Street in the North part of Mount Pleasant Cemetery. The boundary continues East along the property line South of Merton Street to Mount Pleasant Road. At Mount Pleasant Road, the boundary continues North to Keewatin Avenue. At the Mount Pleasant and Keewatin Avenue intersection, the boundary then follows Keewatin Avenue West to Yonge Street. At Yonge Street, the boundary continues North back to Blythwood Avenue.