
Arbitration is the third stage in the process of Alternative Dispute Resolution. If parties are unable to achieve a resolution through mediation then arbitration would be the next step in attempting to resolve the dispute. Arbitration involves a specially trained third party who usually an expert in the area of family law. The parties or their lawyers present their case at a hearing and the arbitrator makes the decision based on the facts and supporting documentation.

If the parties are unable to achieve a resolution through mediation then arbitration would be the next step in attempting to resolve the dispute.  Arbitration involves a specially trained third party who is usually an expert in the area of family law.    The parties or their lawyers present their case at a hearing and the arbitrator makes the decision based on the facts and supporting documentation.  Usually, the parties sign an agreement at the outset of the arbitration that they will be bound by the arbitrator’s decision. 

If you need assistance in dealing with a family law issue through Alternative Dispute Resolution, please do not hesitate to contact our office:  416-924-596


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