Internet Fraud

The Internet is a vast and expansive resource that we no longer can live without. It pervades all aspects of our lives, simplifying tasks and making life easier. It can provide great opportunities for wealth and advancement, but unfortunately the temptations for illicit activity are very high, making Internet fraud and Internet related crimes more common in the courts. 

Internet fraud can encompass a wide range of crimes. The anonymity provided by the Internet along with the many tools for communication that are Internet based, couple to make Internet fraud a growing area for police enforcement.

Internet fraud includes offences as simple as using a stolen credit card to but something online to a complicated phishing scam where personal information is stolen and used to defraud the victim.

Internet fraud is treated seriously by the courts. The need to send a deterrent message is high, meaning the courts will usually impose criminal convictions with fines, jail sentences and probation for those found guilty.

Most Internet fraud cases can be technical in nature, meaning that the authorities have many steps and hurdles that they need to cross, to be able to prove the charges in court. Every case is unique and each presents its own set of challenges to investigators and to the accused persons charged. Internet fraud can be intertwined with other laws, not just the Criminal Code.

If you find yourself facing any type of Internet fraud related offence, it would be prudent to consult a lawyer immediately. Our office has experience in dealing with many types of Internet fraud charges. We are available and ready to help. Call anytime to arrange an appointment.




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