What Are The Potential Defences For Sexual Assault?
What Are The Potential Defences For Sexual Assault?
- Factual Innocence:If the Crown is unable to prove the essential elements of the particular offence beyond a reasonable doubt, they will have failed to discharge their burden, and the accused will be acquitted.
Honest but Mistaken Belief in Consent: If the accused honestly believed the complainant was consenting, he would not have formed the requisite intent to be guilty of the offence. However, it is not a defence if the mistaken belief arose from:
- The accused’s self-induced intoxication;
- The accused’s recklessness or wilful blindness;
- The accused did not take reasonable steps, in the circumstances know to him at the time, to ascertain that the complainant was consenting; or
- There is evidence that the complainant’s voluntary agreement was affirmatively expressed by words or actively expressed by conduct.
Violation of Charter Rights: Under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, individuals are afforded specific rights, including:
- the right against unreasonable search and seizure;
- the right to not be arbitrarily detained;
- the right to be informed promptly of the reasons for arrest;
- the right to retain and instruct counsel without delay; and
- the right to be tried within a reasonable time.
A successful Charter challenge may also result in a stay of proceedings, or evidence from your case being excluded.